Originally posted by payndz: If Zoidberg died, could the rest of the gang be *bothered* to search for him? They didn't seem all that upset when they found his empty shell and thought he'd snuffed it! they could accidentaly find him... ZIODBERG: AH! My friends have come to rescue me! FRY: EE! GHOST! BENDER: Hey aren't you suppose to be dead?! LEELA: Oh. great he still alive...
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Figures! Everytime I click that link, Geoshities come up with their "overuse of bandwidth, stay tuned..yadda..yadda..blah..bl ah..blah" sign.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
::starts to giggle, then drool, finally passes out:: Oh baby! I don't get the reference, but that is definitely one nice drawing. Ah yes, Leela. And Amy ain't to shabby either.
Starship Captain
Originally posted by payn: Wait, payndz's name is Andy? This is just too confusing. Please tell me the "payn" doesn't come from your last name.... You must visit Andy's site, mon! Ain't No Such Thing As... has all de answers. Under "Amy Stuff" there be two fine earlier comics, there be a breakdown of de ship that has been recognized by de folks at Futurama themselves on de DVD commentary, and loads and loads of other goodies. Go, mon! Faster than a green snake up a sugar cane! Sometimes "Amy Wears" nothin' at all! (Names, names. Payndz, Payn, Painoman--I though at first that might be a misspelling--you guys all take the same avatar and everyone's head will cave in. Oh the Payn...the Payn of it all!)
Here's an interesting idea(dunno if someone's thought of it already ) : First we all learned Leela was an alien, then it turns out she was a mutant. maybe even a human mutant ... so.. what if Fry is the alien? He's got that weird Delta brainwave thingy, and the Nibblonians placed him into the future. He could actualy be a carefully planned out 'forced relocation' victim. Like his race all have this brainwave, but was dying out so the Nibblonians placed Fry in His mothers womb, or maybe just introduced the species into the human population and they mix breeded... They then get Fry into the future so he can save the world, or whatever other plans they have instore for him... lol I'm gonna fanfic that up.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Sounds good, erdrik. A little reverse the roles.
Also sounds like The Preservers meeting the Prophets.sorry, little Star Trek reference there
heh heh what a chump. lol
Starship Captain
« Reply #109 on: 06-06-2002 03:00 »
« Last Edit on: 06-06-2002 03:00 »
I mentioned this elsewhere in reference to Mitsui's excellent new sig, but here it is again just in case it inspires someone to write a "What-If" story...
The Silence of the Clams
Hannibal Lecter (this is a "What-If" story, remember, suggested by Fry) escapes authorities by having himself frozen for a thousand years. Loose in 3004, he takes a "brilliant" surgeon under his wing, why not, beginning a new wave of terror that ends with Bender cooking up the entire Head Museum...
Zoidberg: "I never knew these were so tasty inside! Mmmmm!" Ray Liotta's Head: "Guh-huhhhhh!" Bender: "Dan Quayle?!? Dammit, Lecter, bring me better! I got nothin' to work with here!" Lecter: "Why, hello, Leela...would you like a French Fry?" Leela: "Excuse me if I aks for seconds!" Fry: "LEELA!" Leela: "Oh, shut up. It's not like you were using it." Zoidberg: "Oh no! The Brain Spawn are attacking!" Lecter: "Excellent..."
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #111 on: 02-18-2003 15:59 »
« Last Edit on: 02-18-2003 15:59 »
Today I had this idea for an episode, I'll give it in the way that a sypnosis of a new episode would be like It focuses on the sewer mutants and Leela, and if you like Leela’s parents, then you should like this, and here it is: 'Tired of being stuck underground with no sky or daylight, and the upper civilisation dumping all their crap in the sewers, the mutants decided to boycott everyone living on the surface. But they're heavily outnumbered, so they enlist the help of the even more freakish race of mutants living in the sub-sewer. Then they all go up to the surface and boycott everyone living on the surface, and take them down to the sewers and trap them there to see how they like it. But Leela's parents object because they don't want Leela to have the life of a mutant. The rest of the mutants decide to just leave Leela's parents in the sewers, along with everyone else from the surface. At first the mutants enjoy living on the surface, but they soon start to miss the stenches of the sewers, and they can't bare to be so clean. And the sunlight is making them look even more hideous, so they decide that living on the surface isn't so great after all. Meanwhile, everyone trapped in the sewers are getting restless, and can't bare the stench, and Amy just can't bare to be dirty. Leela is happy though because she gets to be with her parents, and her parents are happy to see her, but living in the sewers is the life they didn't want for her. Everyone who's trapped in the sewers decides to start treating Leela's parents with no respect and be nasty to them because they're mutants, but Leela soon fights them off and then Leela's parents offer to help the people who are trapped back up to the surface. They know every single miller meter of the sewers, and they think they know a way out. Leela gets emotional and begs her parents not to tell them because she doesn't want to be separated from them again, but her parents soon persuade her that it's for the best. And then Leela's parents take everyone through a network of old sewers, with many obstacles and things in the way, but they eventually come out to the surface. The mutants who are on the surface have a dilemma because they want to go back to the sewers, but they think everyone is trapped down there. While they're deciding what to do, suddenly to their surprise they see everyone of the surface, and everyone is angry with them, and Mayor Poopenmayer offers awards for the capture of the mutants. Bender pulls a few scams to make some quick bucks, and soon all of the mutants are captured. The mutants plead to be be offered the chance to live in the sewers again, and they say, 'Isn't in punishment enough to be forced to live the degrading life of a mutant?'. But Mayor Poopenmayer decides it's too risky because they might attack again. And he decided that they should all be sent to another planet at the edge of the universe as far away from Earth as possible. Then Leela shout's out 'NOOOOO!!!' because she can't bare the thought of being separated all that way from her parents. She says "It's hard enough that they have to live in the sewers, let alone at the edge of the universe!". But mayor Poopenmayer, and the rest of the surface people (apart from Fry) think it's a bad idea for any mutants to live on this Earth, and they don't deserve it. But Leela says "If it wasn't for my parents helping you, you wouldn't have made it to the surface in the first place!". But knowone will listen to her, and she's just left there crying, but Fry hugs her and tries to ease her pain.' ...That's as far as I got, but I guess it could be a 2-part episode with the second part about how Leela and Fry try to save her parents But I haven't thought about that yet. I hope you enjoyed it though, and maybe by 2006 I might have made it into a comic or something ------------------
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
So what happened to BrainSluggo anyway?
Sounds like a good, emotional episode Otis. If you feel like it, you should follow Venus' advice and make a fanfic.