I just found the AFF site...while it stinks that I missed the original date, I'll still jump on this and hope it makes a difference (even a small one!)
Im going to join you in that. And Ill make some other people do it too, I know they will do it atleast one month, may not be a lot, but you never know what may help
« Reply #247 on: 02-16-2005 11:51 »
« Last Edit on: 02-16-2005 11:51 »
One thing to add - Yes, we know FG was brought back because of sales and ratings. I believe it was said that people also sent in diapers to Fox. Of course, I dont know the details, but I have a feeling they didnt just stop after one big send in. I think more then anything its the persistincy that counts.
Yes, I know there was a send in, and there was a petition, but doing something once only starts things. I think of it this way, your playing baseball and you strike out the first time at bat, are you gonna stop trying to hit the ball the next time? or the time after that? or even the time after that? I know I certianly dont
Edit: I was in a boring class, and was thinking about this - so I have something to add.
Ok, first Im using small numbers just to make my point.
Lets say 10 people sent in thier anchovies and that was the big movement. "Yah, we sure showed Fox!"
So after that, nothing changed, so all but one person stopped sending, so now theres 1 person sending a month. Newer people like me come along - lets say there are 4 of us, and we want to send anchovies. We join the cause, and now there are 5 people sending.
How does this look to Fox? A decrease in support and interest in the show, even though we know it is new people.
The other way, those 10 original people keep sending over the months, and us 5 newbies come along and want to join. Now theres 15 people sending
How does that look to Fox? Though a small increase in numbers, its still an increase of support and interest.
Even if there was a 1% chance of them bringing back the show, 15 people sending in anchovies is going to work better for the cause rather then 5
Fox sucks big time. Futurama was one of the few good shows around in an age of crappy reality and lifestyle shows. Rupert Murdoch is too interested in his bottom line to care about anything but himself. I suggest you all watch Outfoxed. It may not be about Futurama but I like to see Fox cop some criticism.
« Reply #251 on: 02-19-2005 10:39 »
« Last Edit on: 02-19-2005 10:39 »
Nerd-o-Rama, I was thinking today, I really think we need to push for major participation right now. With Fox bringing back FG, I believe this is the time to strike, and strike hard. Yes, send in more anchovies, send in letters. I was also thinking, I know there was an online petition, but generally, I dont think those are looked at. I was wondering if we could do hand made ones. I mean, everyone take thier neighborhood. Get all your friends and family to sign it. Tell a friend in the next neighborhood over to make one and get everyone they can out there to sign it. Simply ask a person to sign a petition for futurama, if they havent already, leaving thier name and address for referance. People who dont even care about it will sign something if you ask nice enough. After getting all you can, do different things. Make 2 copies, send one to Fox, one for yourself for referance, and the original to the pres. Or instead of that, you can all just send the originals to me and Ill take care of the rest. It would be a lot of hard work, but if everyone on this messege board alone got 50 signitures each...well that will add up to a lot. The best time is now with the support of the newer fans, and the support of the older fans. One person wont make a differance, but a ton of people can! I think we should all send anchovies once a month, and we should all send like 3 each to arrive on the origninal airdate. This is also the best time to get into the news about this. Point out that FG was brought back, and now how about Futurama - it will give perspective which is likely to get more coverage. Most people will help if you ask them to. I know my sister thinks Im the biggest nerd for my obsession, but she will send anchovies every month if I ask. Remember - the least amount we can do it try, everything else has some success ps: Nerd-o, Id be sister Liveitup
Futurama Nerd
I think that's a great idea to send some now Liveitup. Good thinking. As for the hand made petitons, that would be kinda hard. But if, say, 5 PEELers make one and pass it out in their town, we could propbably get some good results. Of course it all depends if the town like Futurama or not.
Yay! I just bought my anchovies for this month and next! So cheap!! So worth it!
I think it would be a big deal. We can start collecting the signatures, then work out what to do with them. I think we could all send them seperatly to the president of Fox, (the originals and keep copies ourselves) or after a month or so of collecting names, we can send all of our orignals to one person ( Ill use myself as an example) And Ill compile the lists, find the number total, keep a copy, send the original to the Pres. of Fox, send a copy just in general to Fox, and helk, pick a famous Newspaper, write an editorial, and send in another copy of the signatures to them.
Remember People! "You cant give up hope just because its hopeless, you gotta hope even more, and cover your ears and go Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah"
Oh Im not competing, Im supporting it in an insane, scary kind of way.
Well, you could hug me, and say "keep up the good work freak" then run away I guess
Dont worry - Im actually scaring myself a bit, but its for a good cause right?
I will email you soon Futurama Nerd
@Asa, a sheet would be easy to make, and your right, as I said in my first post, it would go neighborhood to neighborhood. Even if only us 4 did it, and each got 20 signatures (80 total) it would be a huge statement that we went to the "trouble" of getting people to actually sign a sheet. We would just need to work on them getting there all together, like sending them aff style, or sending them to one address to be sent in all at once from there.
Futurama Nerd and I can work on details I guess, and anyone interested can send me an email just letting me know so I can get you started when we know whats going on. Once we have details, we can put this info out to our friends and family, and other messege boards.
Futurama Nerd
Hey Slackit02 Liveitup1. You shouldn't have started a new account, you should have waited for your new password to be sent.
While Fox sucks what did anchovies ever do? We don't want to send them all to fox because Zoidberg will miss out in the future.
Quantum Leek
this is the first time i've been on this thread and as per nerd-o-rama's idea of sending every month i will start as soon as possible. FOX need to reconcile for what they have done and if i can call myself a fan i will try my best to get back futurama, or at the very least express my anger for it's cancelation.
Fight the power! Return Futurama! Ride the Walrus! (scratch the last one)