« Reply #360 on: 11-17-2004 01:33 »
« Last Edit on: 11-17-2004 01:33 »
SHASTA Stupid Hermes Acts Smoothly To Attack TOTPD!!
ANOTHER As Noone Opened Tins, Hermes Eats Robots
Space Pope
« Reply #365 on: 11-19-2004 21:18 »
« Last Edit on: 11-19-2004 21:18 »
BUTTHEAD: Betsy's Unsure That Turanga Has Experience And Deapth percepsion. # 1600!
DEAPTH Dwight Eats And Passes To Hermes
('Passes to Hermes'...I suck at this.)
DOOP Secretary
Scruffy's Umbrella Can Kiss Schlongs.
DOOP Secretary
... You don't get this game at ALL, do you?
DOOP Secretary
If you don't get it, then don't play. You obviously don't understand at all - you've changed your post 3 times in the past 2 minutes, and all 3 have been wrong.
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Tiberius: Okay. This is a game, and it's pretty easy to play. I put up a sentence, and then the next person takes a word from that sentence and uses the letters of that word as the first letters of each word in a new sentence.
For example, I might say "Fry loves Leela." Then the next person might take the word Leela and get "Let's eat every little anchovy."
And then the next person takes a word and so on. The only rules are that the sentence must make sense, and it should preferably be Futurama related. I,ve high lighted and Uderlined the parts you need to read Guru.
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #394 on: 01-08-2005 04:05 »
« Last Edit on: 01-08-2005 04:05 »
IsInvaders! possibly from Space! so i may have fudged the rules a little, i like that quote... and guru, at least TRY to understand how to play. you're disrupting everyone on the board. oops, as soon as i post this you finally understand. just my luck