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General Disscussion
Talk about anything Futurama-related that doesn't fit into any of the specialized boards. Typo in board name has nostalgic value.
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Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 144 145 146 [147] 148 149 150 ... 242
Futurama on the Subway 20 861 Yinger36 03-06-2004 22:50
by switch
what is the name of this ep.? 3 841 56874321887 03-06-2004 21:34
by Beamer
Parallel Universe
« 1 2 »
42 2225 krokerjoker 03-06-2004 18:11
by Hedonism Bot
access to the river 6 926 yokurt 03-06-2004 17:38
by Teral
Bite my Shiney Metal ASS Jedi! 2 827 Cyclone 03-06-2004 15:14
by Tweek
Will Moby be on Futurama ? 11 989 Inoshishi 03-06-2004 15:12
by Tweek
Movie possibility. 1 824 helpimchoking 03-06-2004 02:36
by Nixorbo
Who is that on TDHAIPT 20 949 Davey 03-05-2004 18:44
by Teral
Spreading the word 26 1013 E the B 03-05-2004 15:43
by SwanMan3000
Kif And Amy Wedding 2 5815 Davey 03-05-2004 13:53
by Nixorbo
can anyone read german 4 815 ooy 03-05-2004 10:17
by mw
Best Futurama Director 37 1210 Shadowstar 03-04-2004 18:21
by Mouse On Venus
Wondering if i could find some songs 6 880 Redstarfishy 03-04-2004 12:25
by Redstarfishy
Least Favourite Episode 2 795 Davey 03-02-2004 13:22
by Nixorbo
Twisted Trivia
« 1 2 3 4 ... 20 »
762 20550 MrB 03-02-2004 09:33
by Kryten
What Would Have Made A Better Ending...? 13 888 Davey 03-01-2004 23:10
by Nixorbo
Quiz pages 3 905 helpimchoking 03-01-2004 10:58
by Nixorbo
Futurama/Family Guy comparisons 8 1292 Zeep 02-29-2004 14:41
by Nixorbo
Which episode is this classic Bender quote from? 3 976 Spineless 02-29-2004 14:11
by Nixorbo
Guenter the Monkey 19 1147 Yvette 02-29-2004 14:03
by Otis P Jivefunk
What did Fox do wrong? 29 1090 Nero Wolfe 02-28-2004 18:22
by Nixorbo
Billy West went wrong........... 10 954 helpimchoking 02-28-2004 18:21
by Nixorbo
Which Character do you relate to?? 15 871 Roddney 02-28-2004 16:09
by Young_and_Angry
The Way Things Ought Have Been... 25 983 SpaceCase 02-27-2004 15:51
by Yinger36
Why not a Futurama Super Bowl commercial? 10 977 KurtPikachu2001 02-27-2004 15:19
by VoVat
Pages: 1 ... 144 145 146 [147] 148 149 150 ... 242
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